Pre-CYC Youth Camp Volunteer Information

Thank you for saying yes to being a volunteer at one of our CYC Youth Camps!

We have some pre-camp information that we need you to be aware of before the camp starts.

While we try to keep things close to what we’ve done before, information changes from camp to camp and therefore you cannot always rely on previous experiences if you have volunteered with CYC before. Please ensure you are up to date on everything by reading over the information below.

Please thoroughly read all of the below pages as they are important

To be done before you come to a camp:

  1. Send in required forms and certificates
  2. Before camp prayer

To know before you come to camp: so that you can be prepared

  1. At camp training – done the night before the campers arrive
  2. Basic role structure – who to go to about what
  3. Electronic devices at camp
  4. Clothing requirements at camp
  5. Telling of testimonies

To do during camp:

  1. Appropriate language to be used at camp
  2. Relationships during camp – family, friends, and romantic
  3. Praise and worship songs during our study times
  4. Child Safety and Duty of Care
  5. CYC Camp Forms
  6. Once the campers leave what needs to be done?

Below is the information that will be sent to the camper’s caregivers:

Please ensure you read over the below pages as they are important. We want to ensure that you know the camp rules, what we need you to bring, and what the banned items are. Please help enforce all of our rules throughout camp. Please be aware that these pages do not link back to this one as they are a part of the information given to the caregivers of the campers.

  1. Things to Bring
  2. Standards for a Better Camping Experience – rules, banned items, and duty of care

Thank you for being involved with CYC, we cannot run our camps without you!!

By volunteering at a CYC Camp, you are investing in the lives of the youth that will be coming along. We know it is a sacrifice to step out of your normal lives and volunteer to serve God and we really appreciate your involvement.

Thank you for taking the time to read over our pre-camp information. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me on 8572 7262 or email me at

I look forward to seeing you at camp.

CYC Camps Coordinator