Child Safety and Duty of Care

This page was last updated on Friday 21st of June 2024

CYC takes the welfare of its campers, volunteers, and staff seriously. This means that there are a few things we need everyone to focus on during your time volunteering with us.

To be a volunteer or staff member with CYC we require that you’ve done Child Safe Training which covers Mandatory Reporting and Child Safe Practises, however there are few things that we’ve put in place as an organisation that we need you to follow.

You should never be alone with a camper!
We like to say that ‘the rule of three is key’, meaning that you should always have another camper, volunteer, or staff member with you when a camper is around. This doesn’t mean that you need to have someone directly with you; you can be in a public space like our Dining Room, Rec Hall, Quadrangale, etc, so long as others can see you.

If you find yourself in a a position where you are left alone with a camper (e.g. you’re in the dorm and all your campers leave but one) change that situation. You can do this by saying something like “hey, let’s get some fresh air” or “let’s go find out what John is up to”. If you are left alone with a camper you could also go and get someone else and come back to where that camper is.

Do not put yourself in a position where you could be accused of doing wrong, make sure that there’s always a witness to your actions during camp!

CYC has a duty of care over you and the kids that come on our camps, however you also have a duty of care over your campers. Together we are all responsible to ensure that no harm comes to anyone on camp, either physically or mentally.

Know where your campers are at all times!
Nearly all incidents during camp happen because campers have been left alone unsupervised. Campers may need a time out which is okay so let them, however know where they are (make sure you are checking in with them).

Groups of Campers should not be left alone at any point, together with your co-leader you need to work out a way of knowing where all of your dorm is at any given time.