Duty Groups
Dining Room
Before your first meal
- Lift and carry tables and chairs to set up the dining room.
- Each table seats 8 people.
Duty Groups
- Duty groups are required at each meal to set and clear tables, please report to the kitchen staff 15 minutess before meal time.
Meal Time
- After finishing your first course, scrape all scraps onto 1 plate and stack plates.
- Ask 1 person on your table to carry the stack to the dishwasher window.
- Scrape scraps into the bucket at the window.
- Place all cutlery into the yellow container on your table.
- Paper scraps go into the silver milkshake container, this can be emptied into the bin under the dishwasher window.
- Please clear your table of dirty dishes as quickly as possible and before you sit and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
After Meals
- Clear all tables.
- Refill water jugs at sink in the coffee making area and place in fridge.
- Spray and wipe all tables.
- Sweep dining room floor if required.
Coffee Area
- Please keep the coffee making area clean.
- All dirty cups etc. are to be placed at the dishwasher window.
End of Camp Cleanup
- empty bin
- turn heater to 0
- sweep floor
- flush toilet
- switch off lights
Dining Room
- wipe tables
- stack chairs
- sweep floor
- collect your belongings
Meeting Hall
- stack chairs
- remove rubbush
Rec Hall
- collect and put away sports gear
- remove rubbish
- turn off lights
- close doors and windows
- report damage to sports equipment
- pick up rubbish and place in bins
- return items to where they were found