Camp Structure

Below is a basic outline of the structure of the camp and what you need to know before camp commences. Please pass any relevant information on to your Cabin Leaders as soon as practical.

The day before the campers arrive

Everyone needs to be at the campsite no later than 5:30 pm the day before the camp is due to start as provide dinner which will be served at this time. However, we need to know everyone’s dietary requirements before that day to cater for them. The Director must communicate with the Camps Coordinator if anyone intends to be arriving later than this. The Director should communicate with the other Key Leaders and find out if it will be beneficial for people to arrive earlier than this (e.g. to set up program activities, decorate the dining room, have a pre-camp meeting, assist Study Leader with any setup, Worship Team practice etc.).

A time should be decided upon (no earlier than 2:00 pm) and communicated with the Cabin Leaders, Key Leaders, and CYC Camps Coordinator. This arrival time is up to the Camp Director of the camp. Only ask people to come up if the time is going to be used effectively. You don’t want people to be sitting around with nothing to do.

The Camp Director should inform everyone about the compulsory training Monday evening that happens straight after dinner. This normally takes 1.5 hours as there is a lot to get through. A Supper will also be provided after the training is finished.

Rest for the journey ahead
Set a bedtime for this night! It sounds silly but it makes sure people don’t have a late night, you don’t want them to be tired before camp even begins.

First day of camp

In the Morning
Breakfast will be provided at 8:00 am and a meeting is scheduled for 9:00 am with some housekeeping points and last-minute training as required. Once they have done this it is the Camp Director’s responsibility to facilitate the rest of the meeting using the guidelines outlined one the ‘Leaders Meeting’ page. All of this will usually take 1-1.5 hours. Use the rest of the morning to do any last-minute preparations that are needed before the campers arrive (e.g. assist Program Director, Study Leader, final Worship Team Practice etc.).

Campers are due to arrive at 11:00 am. In the event of early arrival at camp, introduce the camper to their Cabin Leaders and get the Cabin Leaders to show them to their dorm and hang out with them till everyone else arrives.

Campers Arrival
As soon as the bus arrives ensure everyone makes their way out to the bus to welcome all the campers that have arrived. Once all the luggage has been unloaded, escort them into the Meeting Hall to introduce them to everyone. The Camp Director will begin by introducing themselves and the other Key Leaders (and CYC Camps Coordinator). Mention what each of the Key Leaders will be doing during the camp.

Then run through the basic rules of camp as outlined on the ‘Camper Welcome’ card provided by the CYC Camps Coordinator. After this introduce the Cabin Leaders to everyone and announce the cabin groups. Ensure everyone has been put into a group and that all leaders have all their campers. Please let the CYC
Camp Coordinator know if there’s anyone who hasn’t arrived so they can follow those people up.

Just Before or Just After Lunch
As the campers begin to get settled into their dorms and explore the campsite inform them that the Camp Director will be collecting any prohibited items (such as electric devices etc.) and medications if the campers have either of these.

Use the templates provided by the CYC Camps Coordinator to keep a track of everything and lock it all away in the boxes provided by the campsite. Keep the key in a safe place so you don’t lose it. To have a look over these forms ahead of time check out the ‘Camp Forms‘ page (this record keeping is mainly the responsibility on the Camp Director).

First Meal on Camp
Before the first meal on a camp run through the rules of the Dining Room as outlined on the page provided by the Camps Coordinator. This can be done by the Camp Director or the Program Director, I’ll leave it up to you to decide. It is up to the discretion of the Camp Director whether campers are allowed tea, coffee, or hot chocolate on a Teens Camp and for a Kids Camp tea and coffee is not available for the campers.

Every day throughout camp

During Activities
Be involved with the activities as much as you can! Campers need Key Leaders who are engaging with them, having fun with them and who get involved.

Other Mealtimes
Throughout the week try to sit with each of the dorms at mealtimes where possible. This is a great opportunity to get to know them more. However, only do this if you have time to do so.

Study times (Camp Director and Program Director)
Be present in the studies as much as possible. Choose your seat strategically. Sitting off to the side or at the back is best. You want to be able to see what’s going on in the entire room. Make sure leaders are spread out and sitting next to potentially disruptive or talkative kids and be ready to do the same if it is needed.

Once the campers have gone to their dorms to get ready for bed take the time to say goodnight to each of the dorms and encourage them to have their lights out on time. If campers are being too noisy then go into their dorm and get them to be quiet (remind them that other dorms are trying to sleep). Hang around outside the dorms until they are quiet and settled before you head to bed. This is a great time to
debrief the day with the other Key Leaders and update the CYC Camps Coordinator on anything they need to be aware of.

Last day of camp

Camp ends at 2:00pm for all of the campers, this is when the bus leaves with all of the campers going hoe on the bus and hopefully when the rest of them get picked up. We need to ensure that the bus leave on time so best to get everyone to going on the bus onto it at 1:45pm.

Final Meeting and Departure
Once the bus has left make sure you know which campers are still waiting to be picked up. Ensure they are still supervised until their parents have arrived. Once all the campers have gone gather everyone together for one last meeting. Take the opportunity to thank people for their involvement in camp and share anything you feel is relevant. Allow the other Key Leaders to do the same then pray as a group. Keep this meeting as brief as possible/necessary as people will be tired and will want to get home as soon as possible. The Camps Coordinator will have some final things for the leaders to complete before leaving.

Once the meeting has concluded, ensure everything is packed up before everyone heads home (check with the Program Director and Study Leader in case they need a hand). Once everything is done and people have said their goodbyes encourage people to leave straight away. The Campsite Staff cannot go home till everyone else has left and the site has been locked up, so the longer people ‘hang around’ the longer the staff need to wait. The bus will depart camp at 2:00 pm and you can inform the Cabin Leaders before camp that the meeting should conclude by approximately 4:30 pm.