Pre-CYC Young Adults Camp Information

Thank you for registering for one of our CYC Young Adults Camps. We have some pre-camp information that we would like you to know about before the camp starts.

We try to keep things close to what has been done previously, however the information can change from camp to camp. Please read over the information below, whether this is your first time registering or just one of many.

Camp Information

Please have a look at each of the below pages and read over the information on each page

The Standards for a Better Camping Experience page tells you about our; camp rules, and duty of care.

All of the above information is important please ensure that you’ve read over each page.

Additional Information

Things that you might like to be aware of

The CYC Camp Policies page tells you about the Camper Declaration, Fees and Refunds.

Our Contact Information page will tell you which CYC Camp Staff you can contact about this camp.

Thank you for taking the time to read over our pre-camp information. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our CYC Camps Coordinator at 8572 7262 or email them at

We look forward to seeing you at camp!