Camper Letters

At the end of every camp, we write letters to the campers.
We do this to remind them of the relationship that they’ve built up throughout the week, to remind them of what they’ve learned, and to have one last chance to share the gospel with them.
We would like these letters to be personalised, uplifting, and encouraging!!
Cabin Leaders
The Cabin leaders write their letters on the last day of camp once the campers have gone at 2:00 pm.
If a leader needs to go straight after the campers leave get them to do their letter before they go. This will help us not leave any campers out.
Key Leaders
As a Key Leader, you can write a note that goes on the back of the letter. However, this needs to be done by 12:00 pm on the last full day of camp so that the CYC Camps Coordinator can design and print the letters off for the last day of camp.
The CYC Camps Coordinator does have examples from previous camps if you need some ideas of what to write.