Standards for a better camping experience for our Ladies Craft Weekend Camps
As a Christian campsite, we want to promote Christian values. The below rules and banned items are here to ensure that a high standard is followed at any of our CYC Camps.
Read over the rules that relate to you and if you are bringing anyone else to a camp please ensure that they know our rules. Also, read over the banned items to ensure that non of these are brought to camp.

Rules for CYC Camps
We ask that all campers observe the following:
- We ask people not to go into anyone’s dorm which is not their own, this is to protect people’s personal items.
- There is no smoking allowed on camp or at any activity of the camp. This includes e-cigarettes and vaping. If you are going to smoke you need to do this off-site.
- We do not allow any crude or coarse language at our camps.
- All campers need to follow what the leaders and staff ask of them most instructions are given to keep campers safe.

We’ve banned some items to keep people safe and to keep the campsite tidy.
Below is a list of things that are not allowed to be brought to the camp.
- Alcohol
- Illicit Drugs – These include, however, they’re not limited to narcotics, stimulants, hallucinogens, etc.
- Cigarettes, E-cigarettes, and Vape Pens.
- Weapons, Knives, Firearms, this includes toys.
- There are no Nuts or Nut-products allowed on the campsite grounds to keep those safe with nut allergies, we are a nut-free site.
- Chewing Gum
- Glow Sticks
- Create Paper Items – These include however, they’re not limited to: Streamers, Party Poppers, etc.
- Hair Dye

CYC takes the welfare of its campers, volunteers and, staff seriously. This means that anyone not following the above rules or acting in a dangerous or unsafe way will be sent home and may have further registrations denied.
If any banned item is found which could be used to cause harm to the user or others will be taken away and may not be returned.
Thank you for taking the time to read over the rules that relate to your camp or camper.
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our CYC Camps Coordinator at 8572 7262 or email them at
We look forward to seeing you at camp