Contact Information

Contacting Staff about a CYC Camp

To call our staff who are involved with the CYC Camps you can use our site number 8572 7262 during office hours 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

To email our staff who are involved with the CYC Camps their emails and roles are listed below.

CYC Camps
Derylee Byrne and Peter Breuninger
If you email CYC Camps Derylee and Peter will receive it and one of them will be able to get back to you with an answer.

CYC Camps Coordinator
Peter Breuninger
Peter manages all CYC Camps like the one you are registered for. If would like any information about one of these camps, you can contact him.

Office Manager
Derylee Byrne
Derylee is the account manager for all camps you can contact her directly if you have any questions about payments or invoicing.

Executive Office
Steve Schmidt
Steve manages our site and oversees all operations done onsite.