Tips on Preparing Studies
As the Study Leader, you have an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel with campers. This is not a task that you should take lightly.
In the lead-up to camp, you should focus on preparing studies with these tips in mind:
- Your studies should be Gospel-focused – bring Jesus into every study. Treat each study like it is the only one that the campers will hear.
- Tell Bible stories! These are God’s direct teachings and illustrations so use them as valuable tools.
- Tell personal stories or illustrations. Using examples from your own life will help campers to connect with you and the points you are trying to make. Your personal testimony may even be included in your studies.
- Choose simple but relevant Bible verses to back up your teachings. You should aim to have verses to support your key points. Make sure that everything you say, including throwaway remarks, is backed up biblically. If you are not sure, leave it out!
- Always end content with a positive note. For example, if you are talking about sin, end the session by talking about Jesus and how he overcame sin. Again, treat every session like it is the only one the campers are going to hear. Don’t leave a study unresolved
- Use a visual – such as a Powerpoint, whiteboard, or handout – that the campers can engage with while you are talking. Include key points, images, bible verses, etc.
- Keep the content clear, simple, and age-appropriate. You should aim the content at the understanding of the older audience members (e.g. 12 year olds on a kids camp) as you do not want to bore or patronise them – and you’ll be surprised what the younger age bracket picks up!
- Develop key points and always present a logical sequence of information. Each study should tell a clear story that makes sense to the audience, and all the studies should come together to give the bigger picture.
- Structure your studies around the theme if possible as this is a fun way to deliver content.
- Allowing a study session (or part of a session) for Question & Answer time is an effective way to help campers to understand core Bible teachings. The best way to do this is to provide a question box throughout the week that campers can put their questions into (camp has a box you can use).
- Seek advice from a Christian mentor or a previous camp study leader that you respect.
- Have as much of your content prepared before camp as possible so you are able to engage with the camp without the distraction of creating your studies as the camp is happening. However, be prepared to adjust or adapt as needed.