Common Small Group Discussions (Teens)
July Teens Camp
- Why would God care about us? Free will
- Lust
- How God met them where they were at
- Accepting Jesus into our life and having good relationships rather than a good religion
- Having difficulties and why God let them happen, and questions about who God is and how much we believe he is true.
- Baptism
- We all shared our testimonies
- Identity
- Body image
- Families
- Questioning God’s goodness
- Topics such as ‘why God would make us if he doesn’t need us’ and how we can show compassion or forgiveness to others when they might not deserve it
- Forgiveness
January Teens Camp
- Choices x2
- Consequences
- Our desires (how we are selfish)
- Our purpose
- Life at home (difference from camp)
- How we live Christian lives
- Loved and heard by God
- Commitments and vows
- How we should act when things don’t go our way
- Does God exist?
- How to deal with emotions
- What makes a good Christian
- How can we make sense of the bible?
- Prayer
- Why is there evil?
July Teens Camp
- Grief and helping those who go through it X 3
- Hurt and brokenness
- Personal Grief x 3
- Understanding we all respond differently to hard situations
- Depression
- Understanding feelings
- Putting ourselves in others shoes
- Hardship x 2
- Suicide
- Anger and emotion control
- Grudges vs forgiveness
- Comfort and how its okay to not know all the answers
January Teens Camp
- Family
- Identity x 2
- Relationships x 2
- Being nice to each other x 2
- Sexual experiences x 2
- Purpose of life
- Sex and porn x 5
- Anger
- Sin
- Life
- God
- Salvation
- If God is good then why…
- Is there a purpose outside of Christianity?
- God being everywhere
- How to keep God at the centre of our life
July Teens Camp
- Truth x 5
- Life x 2
- Who is Jesus
- Why follow Jesus
- What Christians believe
- What is important in life
- Relationship
- Family
- Friendship x 3
- What it actually means to be a Christian x 2
- Following God in all areas of life
- Suicide/Abuse
- Not wasting your life
January Teens Camp
- Relationships
- Boys
- What does God really think of us?
- Internet problems
- Personal issues
- Centering God and decentering “worldly” focuses
- Scripture relevancy
- Perseverance
- Yolking with God
- Being a woman of God
- The ‘Big’ questions
- Boyfriends
- Salvation
- Discussions getting sidetracked and off topic x 2
- Putting God first
- Why suffering doesn’t disprove God’s existence
July Teens Camp
- Tough questions
- Satan x2
- Jesus
- What to do when they get home
- Does God exist?
- Why did Heath Ledger die?
- Condition of our hearts
- What we wanted to grow in
- How to seek a relationship with God
- Very simple gospel
- How Christianity would change their lives
- Having God as your focus
- Relying on God
- Doubts
- God using us
- There only being one way through Jesus
July Teens Camp
- Current issues/struggles
- Pornography, lust
- Sin
- Living a life for God
- How to be saved and what that means x 2
- Is God real?
- The conviction of Sin and the necessity of dealing with it
- What being a Christian really means
- Non-believers/believers