Common Small Group Discussion Topics (Kids)
January Kids Camp
- How to give your heart to something or someone
- That God is more then anything in this word
- Gods love, Jesus’ death & resurrection, the heart, treasures on earth (good or bad)
- We talked about eternal life and what it actually means. We only had about 2-3 girls talking and answering questions in small groups, so we didn’t have very deep conversations, but I think it was still quite easy for them all to understand. The last study session was also very good and effective
- I think the idea of understanding what our spiritual heart is was quite challenging and prevalent in my small group; it got them thinking and a lot more engaged with the studies.
- I sat in on the dorm 5 and we talked about our heart desires, then sat in dorm 10 (who were really really struggling) and I just read the story of Samson.
January Kids Camp
- How Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, the kids didn’t understand at first what this meant but after reading some Bible verses, they understood
- Why should we believe in God?
- We discussed how God was a just God and that sometimes things happen for reasons that we can’t explain, but God has a plan
- We had 1 or 2 campers who didn’t believe in God at the beginning of camp and we had a few discussions about the Big Bang theory by the end of camp the camper started believing in God
- How Jesus was perfect, and how he is God but also fully human and faced the same temptations we do
- Justice/equality, righteousness, forgiveness, kindness
- The issue of evil and suffering in the world
- Discussed how God is our guardian and how even though some of the kids are from difficult backgrounds they have God
- Jesus and faith in Him
April Kids Camp
- How good works doesn’t affect eternal life and why Jesus would want to die for us
- Baptism and the two other guys on the cross during the last study
- The bible and agreeing on an answer
- Jesus’s death and resurrection, and the pathway to salvation.
July Kids Camp
- Jesus death on the cross and how much Jesus loves and cares about each of the kids
- Gods love and how he loves everyone no matter what they have done.
- How does sin work and what does Gods love mean for everybody?
- Sin and why we sin and how sin has been defeated. Being able to guide the campers through the fact that they are sinners and help them understand their need for a saviour was really great. Also discussing Knights and what they fight for, and using that as a metaphor for being a Christian and a soldier of God was great.
- Definitions of words – sin, grace
- Why Jesus would die when He didn’t deserve it
- Prayer
- Importance of armour of God
- How to find Bible verses in the Bible
- How to react and more forward from Jesus’ death and resurrection
- It’s not a bad thing if we stray away from the booklets, I saw that some campers were asking question that had nothing to do about the study that were valid questions
- Amongst our group an important topic was how do we know God is real and how do we know he is there when we cannot see him?
October Kids Camp
- For our group we mainly discussed how to live like a ‘Christian’ in todays world
- Most of our discussion involved in how does God help us. All the kids didn’t understand how God was existing but invisible and we had a lot of long discussions on how God has saved many.
- Forgiveness and sin
- If god is real and how he is real.
- Prayer was very important. As well as the topic of Jesus always being with us.
- They actually really responded to how ‘the wages of sin is death’ and Jesus paid those wages.
- Repentance, who God is, sin
- What different types of sin are
- Discussed what is sin (breaking relationship with ourselves, others and God) why we Sin (thinking we know better than God), That God knows all of this and sent his son down to take our place.
- What is means to be a Christian
January Kids Camp
- Why Jesus was so important x3
- Heaven and Hell x2
- Who Jesus is x3
- God’s son
- God
- Is the gospel for everyone
- How Jesus is perfect
- The importance of God’s story x2
- How much we are loved by God
- Jesus dying on the cross for us
- Jesus could heal better back in his time than doctors today with the right equipment
- Learning about how special Jesus coming back to life is
- How God loves everyone no matter what
- Who we are and where we come from
- Being loved by God
July Kids Camp
- Relevance of God
- Why there are bad things in the world if we have a good God?
- Jesus loves you
- God is love
- Your past doesn’t determine your future
- Sin means we miss the mark
- God our Father
- Who God is x2
- How God can be both your Father and your friend x2
- Reading the bible
- How much God loves us
- Who created God
- God as Friend
- What Jesus does/did for us
- Did God create bad things to x2
- Why can’t we see God’s face
- Free will
January Kids Camp
- 10 commandments
- What would it take to die for someone
- How to get to heaven x 2
- Why does God let bad things happen x 2
- Do they want to be invited to the party/do they think they would be
- Questions in the packs
- How do we get invited to the party
- Where did God come from
- Creation
- God loves us more than anyone else
- How god answers prayer
- All of us are uniquely designed
- Does God love us even when we sin?
July Kids Camp
- Self-image x 2
- Testimonies and why we were Christian
- Not being ashamed of who we are
- Trusting in God x 4
- What God thinks
- Who is Jesus and why did he die for us
- What it looks like to be Christian
- Importance of prayer and its power x 8
- Who to ask for help
December Kids Camp
- Jesus fully man and fully God x4
- Miracles
- Jesus the man
- Emotions
- Jesus being there for us
- Christmas
- Jesus coming to earth
- Who is God
- Prayer
December Aquatics Camp
- Rivers being essential to supporting life
- Adam and Eve
- Jesus for being baptized in the river
- Do good people go to heaven?
- Is God just?
- Is Jesus God?
- Baptism
- Seeing Jesus as the solution for sin
- Creation
- Origin of sin and sovereignty of God
January Kids Camp
- How to pray
- Letting your light shine
- Love/Hate
- How to have a relationship with God
- God’s sovereignty
- Being humble
- Loving others
- How to be saved
- Not seeking glory for anything
- What happens when Jesus comes back
- Love your enemies
- Salt and light of the world
- What happens to people who become Christians after/during the tribulation
- What existed before God?
July Kids Camp
- God being bigger than our giants
- Is God real?
- Who is God x3
- Trinity x2
- God’s Love
- Creation
- How do we get to heaven
- What is sin?
- Why do people go to hell?
- Questions about God and Life
- The bible
- God
- Home Life
- Satan vs. God
- How do we know when God is talking to us?
- Who made God?
- Why was Noah so old?
- Jesus dying
October Kids Camp
- What and where is Heaven and Hell
- Characters from the bible x5
- Resurrection x2
- Living and being obedient to God x2
- Applying studies to our own lives x2
- Friendships
- Nature of God
- God’s plan for our lives x2
- Learning how to pray
December Kids Camp
- Who created the world?
- Who made God?
- God’s promises x 3
- Trusting God x 2
- Forgiveness
- Sin
- God’s love
- How can we love others
- Why do we need Jesus
- Strength and Peace
- God is with us always
- Eternal life
December Aquatics Camp
- Creation x 3
- Free will x 2
- Who made God x 2
- Christianity compared to other religions
- Heaven/Hell
- Miracles
- Gay marriage
- Why Christians believe in Jesus
- Who is God x 3
- Did Jesus sin
- God being selfish vs selfless
- Sin
- Worth
- Is Jesus/God real x 4
- Is the Bible accurate
- Is the Bible credible x 2
- Basics of Christianity
- Why do bad things happen x 2
- Why did God create the tree of knowledge in the garden
- Significance of Jesus death x2
January Kids Camp
- Calming down for small groups
- How to love others that do wrong
- Why good things happen to bad people
- Not feeling good
- Knowing that God is a friend x2
- Topic of friends
- What happens when we die
- God is our savior
- Where we come from
- Boredom due to studies being similar to last camp
July Kids Camp
- How God is all knowing but does “bad things”
- Kids not listening
- Distracting behaviors
- Friends
- Not understanding the bible
- What is righteousness?
- Storing your treasures in heaven
- Forgiveness
- Trusting God
December Kids Camp
- God’s forgiveness
- Forgiving others
- God’s love for us
- We are equal
- We are all chosen even though we’ve all sinned
- What is forgiveness?
- What must we do to be saved?
- Who is God?
- Prayer – What it is and how to do it
- Sin
- Why are we separated from God?
December Aquatics Camp
- Why we believe in God x2
- How we know God exists x3
- What has God done for you?
- Bible
- Jesus & God
- How we know the bible is true x3
- Christmas
October Kids Camp
- Who made God?
- Understanding the Beattitudes
- How the memory verse applied to our lives
- Honesty
- Humility
- Who God is
- Forgiveness
- God loves everyone
- What depression is
- How to know God
- What God is like
July Kids Camp
- The Rapture
- Heaven
- Is God real? Who is he?
- Participation of all campers
- What happens when we sin? X 2
- What happens when we die? X 2
- God revealing himself
- Finding a place for small groups with no distractions
- Life and death
- God being there for you
- Understanding the fall and how that is overcome through Jesus
- Identifying idols and removing them
- Forgiveness
- Creation
October Kids Camp
- Learning about God
- Talking about sin and how we can be forgiven if we ask
- Heaven (what happens after death)
- Hanging out with the right crowd
December Aquatics 2015 - Kids weren’t too keen on studies x 2
- Kids asked mostly ‘secondary’ questions i.e. Samson’s background etc.
- Understanding that being good doesn’t get you into heaven
- Not rushing into wrong
- Making the right friends
- Dealing with bad thoughts with the Word
December Kids Camp
- Unfairness x 2
- God being the perfect father
- Being forgiving
- God loves us all equally
- Not to sin in anger
- Not getting revenge