Volunteer Application

We require all volunteers to do an application form before they can be confirmed to serve on one of our camps. Once an Application Form has been approved, it will last 12 months before it expires after that time we’ll need you to update your details before you volunteer with us again. 

All information will be handled in accordance with CYC’s Privacy Statement which can be viewed at:

Things you should read before you apply

Your Christian Leaders will need to give their endorsements that you can meet these expectations that are outlined on this page.

The Leaders Application is not the only thing we need from you to confirm you as a volunteer, everything else we need from you is outlined on this page.

We have four different volunteer roles for the camps that we run. To look at the role descriptions, tasks, and deadlines are outlined on this page.

Information you need to collect before filling in your application

It is easier to do the whole application form at once please ensure that you have all the below information before you start the form.

Volunteer Application Form

When giving your personal details please use your legal name (no nicknames or abbreviations) as we may need to start clearances or checks for you using the information that you have provided.

Please ensure that all email addresses are filled in correctly as we will be contacting people through this means.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our CYC Camps Coordinator at 8572 7262 or email them at

To start your online application to volunteer with us click the below button.

How your application is confirmed/denied

Your application is confirmed once we’ve received all necessary permissions and endorsements when that happens you’ll receive an email letting you know your application has been accepted. This does not mean you are confirmed as a volunteer with us as we still require a copy of your Working With Children’s Check (WWCC), Child Safe training, and a signed Volunteers Commitment Agreement for you to be fully confirmed. 

If one or more of your permission/endorsements are denied or if we discover that any necessary information is incorrect or false your application will not be successful.

What will happen once a form is submitted