Required Forms

What we need from you

  1. An in-date Working with Children’s Check (WWCC). 
    As you are volunteering your application will be free from any charges. These last for five years so it is not something that you need to update regularly.
  2. An in-date Child Safe Certificate. 
    This lasts for three years so it is not something that you need to update regularly. With serving else where you may already have one of these certificates or it’s equivalent if that is the case please send a copy through to us.
  3. A completed Volunteers Application Form 
    We need you to fill in a Leaders Application Form every 12 months as details may have changed. If you have led before and don’t remember when you last did this form, contact the CYC Camps Coordinator.
  4. A signed copy of the Volunteers Commitment Agreement 
    We need you to sign the Volunteers Commitment Agreement every 12 months as we want to ensure that our volunteers are committing fully to serving God on our camps. If you have led before and don’t remember when you last did this form, contact the CYC Camps Coordinator.

All of these need to be sent 2 weeks before the start of camp to our CYC Camps Coordinator by email at

Volunteer Application Form

Below is a button that will take you to our Volunteer Application page which links to our online form, outlines everything you need to collect before applying, and also tells you what happens after you apply.

Volunteers Commitment Agreement Form

By clicking on the below button you can download and complete the Volunteers Commitment Agreement Form.

How to get your WWCC and Child Safe Certificate

Getting a Working With Children’s Check (WWCC)
If you do not have a current WWCC, we will need to start you on an application. For this, please send us the following details in an email to

PLEASE NOTE that it is a requirement of ALL employees and volunteers involved at CYC in any capacity to provide a WWCC (or equivalent) to CYC before the commencement of the camp they wish to be involved in.

The WWCC Application must be completed as soon as possible to ensure we have your WWCC before camp. Once an application is completed, it can take 3-6 weeks to finalise.

Getting a Child Safe Certificate
If you do not have a current Child Safe Certificate, we will need to start you on a short online course with Safer Communities. To get this done, please send us the following details in an email to

Once you’ve sent us this information our CYC Camps Coordinator pay for your training and create an account for you then a link and login details will be sent to you so that you can do the training.